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FLOW Space


库哈斯在他《癫狂的纽约》中强调纽约摩天楼的垂直性,使毫不相干的建筑功能叠合,产生了各种戏剧性的场景。他的前任夫人Madelon Vriesendorp也为他构想的场景配了这样一副插图:几个全身赤裸的健美男性,在健身房更衣间中戴着拳击手套吃着生蚝…

创造空间使用冲突的戏剧性正是FLOW Space设计的出发点:摘下拳套,在吧台点杯烈酒转身观战;借着醉意,跳上拳台来一组醉拳;慵靠在窗前,一边工作一边享受城市美景;进出冷房,沉浸在美食美酒的包围中;面向城市梳妆打扮,甚至可以瞄准楼下的祥云尿上一泡…

FLOW Space位于北京顺义区祥云小镇北区一栋办公楼的七层。室内空间由两个出租单元组成,两个单元中间为共享服务核心,平面呈U型展开。场地西侧与北侧为主要景观面,共有十扇窗面向城市打开。

与健身功能享受最好景观 策略不同,FLOW Space的设计思路让非健身功能享有最好的景观面,而健身功能被夹裹在内侧,与非健身功能互相交织,产生碰撞。场地上十扇窗,六扇给了非健身功能,四扇给了健身功能,当然是面向楼下广场最重要的四扇。









In his book Delirious New York, Koolhaas attributed the happening of dramatic scenarios to that of the overlapping of seemingly unrelated programs due to the verticality of skyscrapers. A fictional scene was depicted by his ex-wife, Madelon Vriesendorp, in an illustration: three naked men “eating oysters with boxing gloves, naked, on the ninth floor”


This making of absurd clash of programs and ludicrous happening of events was how FLOW Space started: one may take off the boxing gloves and shoot up some liquor at the bar as an audience; one may hop on the ring to have a fight, drunk of course; one may enjoy the city view while working by the window; one may enjoy an afternoon aperitif in and out of the cellar and pantry; one may do a make-up facing the city or pee into the cloud sculptures just outside the window... 


Site and Program

FLOW Space is located on the 7th floor of an office building in a commercial plaza in Shunyi District of Beijing. It is composed of two rental units with a shared central core. The space has a total of ten windows that open up to the city and faraway landscape on the western and northern edges. 


Rather than having workout programs enjoy all the views, FLOW Space reserves most of its views for non-workout programs, enveloping workout programs within. Six out of ten windows are used for various non-workout programs, leaving four, still the best ones at the corner, for workout programs.


Formal Logic

An interiorized architecture is achieved by inserting three volumes holding non-workout programs into the space.


The western volume holds programs such as bar, lounge, office, pantry, cellar, and bathrooms. The inner volume is integrated with the building core with programs like storage and staff. The northern volume is mainly for locker, changing and shower. The courtyard space in-between these volumes is used for open exercise and Pilates. Underneath the canopies connecting the volumes are weights and aerobics areas. And the featured pavilion is the boxing ring itself. All these outdoor workout programs are defined by the non-workout program volumes inserted.


Though the workout and non-workout programs are delineated clearly on plan, their spatial articulation is ambiguous: two continuous eave lines unify the distinctive volumes. The misalignment of color changes on the floor and eave lines also enhances the spatial depth.


Lighting design

Based on the principle of an interiorized architecture, ambient lighting is placed on top of two building eave lines, lighting up the sky. An array of spot lights shoot downward from the sky, illuminating the courtyard together with ambient lighting. In normal training mode, single colored lighting suffices usual requirements. While in after hour night club mode, the mood of the space is totally transformed with a modulated RGB lighting animation script.

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